Editing Advice

This section covers the basics of editing and is for both new and experienced writers. It covers topics such as the role of editors and different types of editing. It also looks at how artificial intelligence can be used in the editing process.

5 Things to Know About Editing Before Submitting Your Manuscript or Publishing Your Book Image

5 Things to Know About Editing Before Submitting Your Manuscript or Publishing Your Book

The amount of refinement your manuscript needs depends on your publishing route. For fiction writers who are pursuing a traditional publishing path, a complete manuscript is often required before submitting to agents or publishers, though some final editing will happen after acceptance. For self-publishers, the manuscript needs to be fully polished and ready for readers unless you’re using an editorial service. Whichever publishing route you chose, here are five things to know about editing before submitting your manuscript or publishing your book.

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8 Effective Strategies for Managing Editorial Feedback Image

8 Effective Strategies for Managing Editorial Feedback

Getting edits on your manuscript for the first time can be daunting. The sea of red marks can make you wonder if your work is worth it or if you should just give up altogether. But take a deep breath—editing is a normal part of the writing process. It’s tough, but with the right approach, you can navigate your editor’s notes like a pro. Here are eight ways to do it.

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Book Editing Terms Every Author Should Know Image

Book Editing Terms Every Author Should Know

Editing your manuscript for the first time can be overwhelming, especially when hit with industry jargon. Whether you’re a new writer or new to editing, you need to know the basic terms editors use to get your manuscript ready for publication. Here’s a list of key editing terms with explanations to help you understand what they mean in the editing process.

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Citation Guidelines for Nonfiction Image

Citation Guidelines for Nonfiction

When writing nonfiction, citing sources is part of being a credible and legally responsible author. Citations allow you to give credit where credit is due for material borrowed or referenced from books, articles, or websites. Knowing when, why, and how to use citations means your work is ethical and professional.

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Editing for Impact: Get the Most Out of Your Manuscript Image

Editing for Impact: Get the Most Out of Your Manuscript

Editing is the key to turning a good story into a great one. However, the publishing process can be overwhelming for new authors., Understanding the different types of editing and when to bring in professional help can be confusing. Before you start wielding that red pen, it’s essential to understand the different editorial services and how they can help you write your manuscript.

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Elevate Your Book: The Crucial Role of Developmental Editing Image

Elevate Your Book: The Crucial Role of Developmental Editing

As a self-published author, you wear many hats: writer, marketer, and sometimes editor. While many self-published authors recognize the need for proofreading and copy editing, developmental editing is a step that’s often overlooked. This article will explain why developmental editing is important for self-published books and how it can help improve your work.

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How Can AI Help with Writing and Editing Image

How Can AI Help with Writing and Editing

AI is already in your life in ways you may not even know. From voice assistants like Alexa to ride-share apps like Uber, AI is making life easier. But AI’s potential goes beyond everyday uses—it can be a tool for authors at every stage of writing, and editing. Just use it responsibly and ethically to enhance your work without losing originality or copyright.

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Self-Indexing Explained Image

Self-Indexing Explained

Many authors hire professional indexers to do their book’s index, but if you want to do it yourself, you can! While self-indexing is a big job, it can be fun, especially if you feel you know your book better than anyone else and have the language skills and attention to detail.

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