5 Ways to Make Your Book Stand Out on the Shelf

Many authors focus on themselves and forget about their future readers when publishing. They choose a cover they like and a title they prefer, and they write a synopsis like they want it because they can’t wait to get the book out there. They figure they’ll get to marketing later and then wonder why sales aren’t taking off.

The truth is that book sales start long before the marketing phase. As an author, it’s essential to keep your audience in mind throughout the whole process of writing, publishing, and promoting. Yes, it’s your book but your readers are the ones who will ultimately buy it. By not considering their needs, you could miss out on sales.

To make your book stand out and appeal to your target audience, here are five things to consider during the publishing process:

1. Write a Compelling Title

Many authors don’t give their book titles enough thought, assuming the title doesn’t matter to a reader’s buying decision. But in a crowded market, every detail counts. Your title is one of the first things a potential reader sees, so it has to grab his or her attention instantly. A confusing, boring or misleading title could lose a reader before they even pick up your book.

The secret to a compelling title is to pique the reader’s curiosity. It should be memorable and exciting and hint at the content without giving too much away. Also, research existing titles to make sure yours is unique and doesn’t get lost among similarly named books.

2. Create an Eye-Catching Cover

Authors make a common mistake with cover design by trying to put too much into it, trying to visually tell the whole story. But the purpose of a cover is to draw in potential readers—not tell the whole tale. If your cover is too busy or misleading, it will repel readers instead of attracting them.

What appeals to your target audience? What’s trending in your genre? Look at other successful books for inspiration. The right combination of colors, fonts and imagery will evoke the tone of your book and get readers to take a closer look.

3. Write a Sizzling Description

Once your title and cover have grabbed someone’s attention, they’ll flip to the back cover for more information. This is your chance to hook them don’t blow it with generic phrases like “must-read” or a summary that’s too broad.

Focus on what’s unique about your book. What makes your book different? What’s the most exciting part of your story or argument? Your description should make readers want to read the book.

4. Get Early Reviews

For readers on the fence, reviews can be the deal breaker in whether they buy your book. You can’t control what reviewers say, but you can feature positive early reviews on the back cover or in your promotional materials.

How do you get reviews before your book is published? Many authors offer Advance Review Copies (ARCs) to build buzz and get feedback from readers, bookstores and libraries. If you get great endorsements, feature them prominently to add credibility and entice potential buyers.

5. Think About Interior Design

If you’re publishing nonfiction, children’s or illustrated books, think about the interior design. Thoughtful formatting, illustrations or photographs can enhance the reader’s experience and make your book more attractive. In fact, a visually appealing interior can be just as powerful as the writing itself.

Make sure the style of your illustrations or layout matches the tone of your book. A clear and attractive design will make your book more enjoyable to read and more likely to be picked up by browsers.

By thinking about these five things throughout the publishing process, you’ll get your book in front of your target audience and stand out from the crowded market.

5 Ways to Make Your Book Stand Out on the Shelf Image

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